Apr 28, 2012

I hate eggs in any way shape or form, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised how good this recipe actually is. It’s just perfect and doesn’t taste “eggy”! I normally don’t have lot of takers for deviled eggs and I hate for them to go to waste, but I snapped this picture as quickly as I could before all the eggs were gone.  If you like deviled eggs I highly...

Apr 19, 2012

I have heard so many people say how great Kale Chips are that I have been dying to try them myself.  Last week I was at the farmers market and they had Kale for .75 cents a bunch. I figured I had nothing to lose except .75 cents so why not grab a bunch. After what seemed like a long process of cleaning, removing steams, and drying the kale was ready to go. I placed...

Apr 11, 2012

Found on www.abc13.com I did not take this picture it actually come from the website of our local ABC station. I thought it was so cute. Apparently this little squirrel stole the plastic Easter egg, opened it up, and ate the candy. How cute it that? I love squirrels so he made quite an impression on me. Happy wordless Wednesday!! Check Out Our Online Recipe Book: www.CafeChatterbox.com...

Apr 4, 2012

This is my Easter Enemy! I love this candy more than any other candy on earth. It’s very rare that I can find them. I have looked at so many different stores that it’s ridiculous. Typically I can only find them at Target, this year it’s rare. I found these in Minneapolis, but so far none in Houston. As disappointed as I am that I can’t find any …I am thankful for small favors. Check...

Apr 3, 2012

While on my lifestyle change quest I have come across some really great recipes. One in particular that everyone seems to be in love with is called Green Monster Smoothie. I didn’t want to make the Green Monster Smoothie because the calorie count (at least the recipe I found) was higher than I was looking for. I decided to make something similar but with lower calories....

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