Sep 30, 2012

I was in a hurry the other night and needed to add a vegetable to our dinner.  I was drawing a blank as to what to make. I had a head of cauliflower that had seen better days and needed to be used. I decided to roast it. I didn’t want to take the time to find a recipe so I came up with something quick and simple.  This couldn’t be easier and turned out...

Sep 29, 2012

I loved the concept of this recipe but in all honest it really wasn’t something I cared for in the end. I was hoping for a more true pretzel flavor but that's not what these taste like to me. I thought they just tasted like a hot dog with a breadstick around it LOL!! The rest of my family on the other hand loved these “hog dogs from heaven” as my husband called them....

Sep 27, 2012

I originally found a similar version of this recipe when I visited The Country Cook. My husband is from the mid-west and Tatar Tot hot dish is a staple there.  I was looking for a recipe that would be comfort food for him. I decided to look through my Mother-in-laws recipe box to see what I could find when I came across this recipe that is very close to The Country...

Sep 26, 2012

Checking my email on my smartphone, watching a Power Point presentation on my tablet, my class notes are up on my netbook, Facebook up on my notebook, and my ears plugged into my iPod. How did I ever make it through high school without all of these gadgets? Check Out Our Online Recipe Book:

Sep 19, 2012

The princess is at the age where she has started to narrow down her toys to just her favorites. She has her select ones that she plays with all the time and the others are on the chopping block so to speak.  Her favorite toys have to be Polly Pocket! Our house is overrun with Polly Pocket! Recently we were given the opportunity to try out Polly Pocket Playtime Pet...

Sep 12, 2012

August 31, 2012 Check Out Our Online Recipe Book: www.CafeChatterbox.c...

Sep 11, 2012

This is a quick and easy recipe. The original recipe is made in the crock pot which you can obviously do, and the original recipe it also contains two boneless chicken breast. I used canned chicken instead. I was in a hurry so I made it a little different, but it turned out fantastic and the taste is wonderful. It doesn’t make a lot. You could feed 4 adults and maybe a...

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