Oct 10, 2012

A few weeks ago my husband and I decided to each get a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I have been wanting one for a while not only for school but for other things too. I thought it would be great to use for recipes while I am cooking. It’s an absolute dream. I love having it in the kitchen. It stays lit the entire time I am cooking, it’s easy to read, and it means I no longer have to print recipes out.

The reason I took this picture was because of a thought I had a few nights ago. I left the kitchen and came back in and saw the tablet there amongst all the ingredients I needed for dinner that night. It made me think of my Nana (My grandmother). I wondered what she would have thought about using a table to get a recipe from to do all of her cooking. I mean it’s not your grandma’s recipe box! I don’t know if she would have like it or if she would have loved the idea. She could be very set in her ways, yet progressive at the same time.

Things change so quickly and everything is getting more high tech by the day what would our relatives from the past think of the high tech society we live in today? 

Check Out Our Online Recipe Book: www.CafeChatterbox.com

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