Feb 28, 2014

I was so excited to try this sauce. I love the flavor of the chipotle pepper. The smokiness is wonderful. This recipe really hit the spot. First it’s super easy to make, and you can use it for just about anything, salad dressing, nugget dipping sauce, French fry dipping sauce. You name it! This sauce is what versatile is all about! I found one recipe and made it and...

Feb 27, 2014

I had never heard of Pesto before in my life until the first time I went to Philadelphia. I was staying at a friend’s house and his mother asked me if I wanted her to pick up from fresh pesto from an Amish restaurant. I know I had to have looked at her like she lost her mind. She then said…. “What you don’t like pesto” my response to her was… “I don’t know…. I don’t...

Feb 26, 2014

One of our giveaway gift cards came in the mail a few days ago. I tell you what, if you want to see my blonde hair show, give me a box like this again.  I think I looked and looked and looked through this box (it was full of packing paper), thinking the gift card was missing, who packs a gift card like this? If it had been an empty box I would have noticed it sooner,...

Feb 20, 2014

This is one of those semi-homemade recipes. These brownies are so easy and taste bud blowing. You will have everyone believing that you made these brownies from scratch. They are rich and delicious and in my opinion only get better the longer they set. Biting into the ooey-gooey caramel bits and chocolate chips will have you craving more and more. *Please note...

Feb 19, 2014

Way too precious to share with the cats! Check Out Our Online Recipe Book: www.CafeChatterbox.com...

Feb 18, 2014

I grew up on a chili recipe similar to this one. I have altered it a bit from what I would normally have to add a few different flavors. This recipe is really great and super simple. This recipe is not spicy but it can easily be made into spicy chili based on the ingredients you add or the amounts you add. I love how easy it is to toss everything in the pot and...

Feb 15, 2014

One of my very favorite low calories snacks is frozen, Cuties, Halos, Clementine’s, Tangerines, or whatever you want to call them. They are delicious. I remove the peel, separate the segments, place them on a cookie sheet or a jelly roll pan, and stick them in the freezer. Once the segments are frozen place them in a large zip bag and return to the freezer. In my freezer they...

Feb 13, 2014

There are so many things to love about this chocolate mousse that it’s hard to know where to start. I will first start off with how easy and fast this mousse is! It’s simply putting everything in a bowl and turning on the mixer then if you want folding in some sweet toppings. It’s frugal! One pint of heavy whipping cream and a box of hot chocolate (I used Swiss Miss)...

Feb 11, 2014

I grew up with this recipe being a staple especially around the holidays. If my Nana wasn’t making it my aunt was. This year my aunt didn’t make it and my Mom was heartbroken so I made it for her. When I was a kid I didn’t like it at all, but now I love it. There are so many companies that claim this to be their recipe so there are plenty to give credit to. I personally...

Feb 8, 2014

This is a great! I know so many people who drive through fast food restaurants and load up on their overpriced oatmeal. I am not saying the oatmeal isn’t worth it because I have never had it, but I can bet you that this oatmeal will be far more satisfying and a lot less expensive. This is super easy and could be easily thrown together in a matter of 5 minutes. That...

Feb 6, 2014

We had had these several times and I have to say they are fun and delicious. The only thing I would change in the future is using pizza dough instead of biscuits. I think the biscuits give the balls an off flavor I think pizza dough would be perfect. We had something similar to these as an appetizer and loved them. Since then I have tried many times to come up...

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