Jan 30, 2014

I love … love… love Raising Canes chicken strip dipping sauce. I was so excited when I found this recipe because I thought for sure it should have been the real deal but it’s not. I think to get this recipe right you would have to add more Worcestershire sauce and more garlic powder. This recipe is great it really is but it’s not right on the money and so to me it’s...

Jan 29, 2014

If you see a 2 tablespoon measuring spoon like this buy one even better buy two. I love this measuring spoon so much! I thought it was weird the first time I saw it in a new set of spoons because I had never seen one before. Now I must tell you this is my favorite measuring spoon! I use it all the time. I never realized how many recipes I have that call for two tablespoons....

Jan 28, 2014

When I was a kid my Nana would make this each year to go on the Christmas Eve table for our family Christmas Eve party. This was my favorite cheese ball. In my head I can still see the plate that my Nana would put it on it was shaped like a green holly leaf with an elf’s face on the side. It was a ceramic plate that my Nana made herself. This Christmas my aunt made...

Jan 25, 2014

Is it possible to make your own confectioners’ sugar? You bet your hot cross buns you can! I got in a pinch the other day when I realized we didn’t have any powdered sugar and I needed it right away. I remembered seeing online that you could easily make your own just using granulated sugar and a blender.  Was it just that easy? YES! Just take some sugar, maybe...

Jan 23, 2014

When I was a kid my Nana would make a cheeseball at Christmas time that I always loved. Recently I decided I was going to make the recipe myself. I added the ingredients to my shopping list which were your common cheeseball ingredients, then I came to this… Summer Savory! I had never heard of this spice in my life. I had never even seen a recipe that required it....

Jan 22, 2014

I started putting Christmas away a few weeks ago and somehow putting Christmas away turned into early spring cleaning. The Christmas wasn’t put away but somehow the house was turned upside down and everything was a mess. While cleaning I found the ultimate find … chocolate Easter candy still in the Easter Eggs… Ewww! I have no idea how that happened. My friend...

Jan 21, 2014

This is a really interesting recipe. I wasn’t the biggest fan, but it wasn’t bad either. It has a unique flavor and a nice consistency. In the future I think I would use this recipe more as a gravy than a side dish. I think it would be wonderful over steak or a nice grilled chicken breast. From what I read online the word Mifgash means encounter in Hebrew so I guess...

Jan 18, 2014

I was so excited when I found this recipe because this is my favorite sauce at Popeye’s unfortunately it didn’t taste anything like their sauce to me. Although the recipe didn’t say so maybe it’s because you need to use hot prepared horseradish, but I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong this sauce is great but if you have illusions of this being the sauce you are looking...

Jan 16, 2014

This is (in my opinion) the exact dip served at Mystic Lake Casino Café. My husband and I like to go there when we are in Minnesota for dinner, not to gamble because their slots are too tight, but the food is great! As an appetizer this dip is served with toasted garlic bread on the side. We both absolutely love it. In all honesty I would probably eat it as a meal...

Jan 15, 2014

Check Out Our Online Recipe Book: www.CafeChatterbox.com...

Jan 14, 2014

If you are strolling through old posts here on our site you might find that there are some post that no longer have pictures. The reason they are missing is because recently a blogger was sued by a photographer for a large sum of money because she placed a photo she thought she was free to use on her blog. She found the photo on Google Images and gave credit to the photographer...
My original intention was to provide you with the original recipe I started with. Then I realized my recipe is nothing like the original recipe. I think it would be an insult to the original recipe to say that this one is a copy because it’s really not even close. I took the creative liberty to change it to my own recipe, but also I had some making up to do for the...

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