Wordless Wednesday was supposed to be fall this week. The problem with fall in Texas is it isn’t here yet. For me snapping a current picture that represents fall wasn’t at all that possible. I started to think about what I could snap then post that in a roundabout way could be fall.
Fall is the beginning of the holiday season, and that is just around the corner. Holidays are about sharing with others. This holiday season and beyond my family and I have adopted a US solider. Today I mailed his package off to Afghanistan. It’s bitter sweet because I am excited he will get the things he needs like 5 blade razors and refill, and other toiletries, and of course all the snacks we could possible fit in a box. What makes me sad is he has to be so far from his family he is a father of four. It also makes me sad that he will be so far away for the holidays. So though this isn’t very wordless I thought it was a nice fit for fall because fall is the prelude to the season of sharing. If you are interested in adopting a solider please visit http://www.adoptaussoldier.org/